Tuesday, November 16, 2010

PLN 20

As a student in high school, middle school, or even college, do you ever find yourself asking yourself "Why do I have to learn this subject" or "Do I have to study this because it has absolutely nothing to do with my chosen profession?" The all boys’ English class I attend 5 days a week asked this question and then made their opinion quite clear that they didn't need any of the core subjects that we are required to take. In case you’re wondering by now, for PLN 20, I read "Why do I have to study [fill in the blank]?" by Mrs. Smith. Period one, English 9, all boys had a discussion on whether what we learn in school is totally relevant to our future. So I had to dig down inside and find my own answers to understand how other peoples answers affected me. I want to be a storm Chaser [Meteorologist] when I grow up. So then I had to dissect this profession to figure out the technical aspects of the job. To do this job, I need to major in Math and Science Courses during college so that I can add data and do graphs and know what is happening scientificly. History is important so that I can find patterns in the weather over certain periods of time. English [reading and writing] is important because I have to be able to do research by reading books to know about weather and patterns in the weather, and I'll need to be able to write because I'll have to document everything that I have expirenced on the road. So this led me to think, if I need all of that just for my job, why wouldn't you need all of it to cook, or be an asturnaut, or a biologist!? You always need all the core subject to be able to read, write, measure, add, subtract, multiply, graph ect. Every subject has it's own way of helping you mold your future into what it will be. But it's your job to figure out how they can help. Don't take the easy road. Do what I did and disect your chosen job so you can see what exaxtly you have to learn. So this begs the question, do you still believe that the core subjects required in middle school, high school, and college are a waste of time, or will you take advantage of them while you have the chance?!

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